Annual Week of CARE Dinner
Year 28 of Spreading the Love!
Visit to learn more, to sponsor this event, and to place your meal order! You can also call us at (910) 485-0555.

You may be very familiar with this event or it may be new to you. For many years, we ran this event as an “Evening of CARE” where you could only participate the one given evening. Following the Covid-19 pandemic, we restructured to a “Week of CARE” so we could meet our participants’ busy schedules.
The Week of CARE will occur from February 1, 2025 through February 8, 2025. We are partnering with three local caterers, Luigi’s Italian Chophouse, The Coffee Scene and Dorothy’s Catering 2, to offer a variety of take-home meals you may purchase for pick-up on a designated night of the week. The meals will feed 6 people and all of them are freezer friendly. These can be used for a busy night that allows a special Valentine family gathering, a lake or beach trip, or to provide to the elderly who may need extra help.
We will also be offering a luncheon option. This could be the perfect opportunity to treat your staff with an Employee Appreciation Luncheon, cater a meeting with friends, or liven up a Sunday brunch after church. Your creativity is limitless!
The cost is $175.00 per meal feeding 6. There will be a set number of meals from each location for each date that is offered. You can begin placing your order for the meals January 1st, 2025 by contacting the CARE Clinic at (910) 485-0555 or [email protected] or using the website at Early ordering will ensure that you are locked in on the date and restaurant of your choice and will also allow us the time to let the selected restaurant know you will be picking up!
The money raised from this initiative goes to The CARE Clinic to support our services to the uninsured, low income adults in Cumberland and surrounding counties. The clinic receives no government funding and relies solely on donations, grants, and fundraising events like the Week of CARE. Please consider helping out by participating in this wonderful opportunity, you will not only be helping our patients but also our local restaurants.